Page 11 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 11

Post Makes It Personal!
This is not a fancy marketing tagline, it’s our promise
to our students as well as to each other. We know that each student is an individual with unique experiences, circumstances and challenges. It is up to each of us to understand what each student needs to be successful and make sure we make it happen. The same thinking applies to how we interact with and support each other’s success as colleagues.
Post University’s Foundation is its
Four Fundamental Beliefs or Core Values:
Every associate at Post embraces these fundamental beliefs – some organizations refer to these as values. Modeling of Post’s values and behaviors is an important expectation that begins day one of employment throughout your career. Therefore, Post may utilize comprehensive screening processes such as mandatory completion of formal assessment tools (pre- and post- employment) to help ensure all associates understand and consistently live these values and behaviors.
Post University is built on four fundamental beliefs or core values:
• TRUSTWORTHY: Our integrity is everything. We earn the trust of each other, our students, accreditors and community every day by doing the right thing.
• WHOLEHEARTED: We are service obsessive
and our students deserve an amazing experience. People will forget what we do and say, but they will never forget how we made them feel.
• INCLUSIVE: Relationships matter. By recognizing and uniting our unique talents and perspectives we create better experiences for all.
• NIMBLE: We are the authors of our future.
We do not settle for the status quo; we continuously strive for the amazing.
Now that you have a better understanding of our why, let’s look at how we consistently turn our why into an experience that leaves our associates and students feeling happy and proud.
In addition to serving as a reminder to show others we care, the CARE framework guides and informs our decisions and actions in each moment. CARE is how we deliver our mission, promise and fundamental beliefs. Here is how CARE works...
We know that when we invest in relationships, we build trust. When there is trust we, as humans, are more willing to share our hopes and dreams as well as our concerns and fears. This sharing allows others to understand why things are the way they are. When we have a better un- derstanding of someone and their circumstances, we gain perspective and insight. By broadening our perspective and insight, we are much more likely to do the right thing. Once we know what the right thing to do is...all that’s
left is to do it and do it in a way that leaves others feeling
Wowed! Delighted! and Amazed!

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