Page 14 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 14

As a basic expectation of Post employment, associates are required to avoid interactions with others that jeopardize Post’s success. The University’s local and national reputation, brand, competitive advantages, financial well-being, and long-term viability requires the highest integrity, including avoidance of conflict of interest situations or situations that could create an appearance of illegality or impropriety.
What’s a conflict of interest? A conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists whenever an associate on behalf of Post makes unapproved choices which provide personal gain or favorably affects (or reasonably gives the impression of favorably affecting) the welfare of an associate, or an associate’s family, friend, or any business associate. Conflict of interest may take many forms:
• Gifts - The acceptance of gifts or gratuities from individuals or entities with whom the associate has a working relationship or is seeking to establish
a relationship with can contribute to a conflict of interest situation is prohibited conduct.
• Immediate Oversight of Family Member - Post University associates may not directly oversee or supervise an associate related to them by family, marriage, or adoption.
• Instruction of Family Member - If a Post University faculty member is assigned to a course with a student who is related to them by family, marriage, or adoption, an alternative class section should be identified for the student. If an alternative section is not available, the instructor’s Program Chair or Dean must review all assessments of the student’s work to confirm there is no bias.
To avoid inappropriate judgment in this area, associates are encouraged to proactively disclose conflicts or potential conflicts of interest to their supervisor, Associate Experience, or Regulatory Compliance.
Being trustworthy is a fundamental core value at
Post. Simply stated, our integrity is everything. Therefore, a key requirement for our continued success is your ongoing commitment to always adhere to regulatory excellence standards and principles in performing your job, including:
• Adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.
• Serving as a Post ambassador – on and off the job.
• Acting responsibly to avoid situations potentially harmful to students, associates, visitors, business associates or the public at large.
• Being ethical and honest at all times.
• Doing the right thing for the right reason – all the time.
• Abiding by Post’s “Make It Personal” values, behaviors, and expectations.
Because of the importance of continual ethics in University operations, Post has established an ethics hotline so that any associate or student may confidentiality report any unresolved concerns or suggestions anonymously through anindependentlyadministeredsystem. Noassociatewill experience any form of retaliation upon making a good- faith report of an ethics violation.
To Make an EthicsPoint Report
You may use either of the following three methods to submit a report:
From any computer having Internet access, go to and click on
“Make an EthicsPoint a Report”
Dial toll-free, within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada: 844-961-4319
Scan the QR code with your mobile device.

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