Page 56 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 56

Please be mindful in limiting what you bring to work to only necessary items. Post is not responsible for any lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed personal property brought onto the University’s premises or retained in personal vehicles parked on University premises or in parking areas not owned by Post.
You should be sure to only park your vehicle in permitted parking spaces. Improperly parked vehicles may be towed at your expense without advance notice.
Only in certain unique situations are workplace searches conducted at Post. Please be informed that desks, lockers and other storage devices provided for associates remain the sole property of the University. Accordingly, storage devices, as well as any articles found within them (including associates’ personal property), may be inspected at any time, either with or without prior notice.
Likewise, the University prohibits theft or unauthorized possession of the property of associates, visitors, and students. To facilitate enforcement of this policy, the University may inspect not only desks and lockers but also packages or other belongings of persons entering and/or leaving University premises. If you wish to avoid possible inspection of any articles or materials, you should not bring such items onto the University’s premises.
An associate’s entrance onto the University’s premises is an acknowledgment of Post’s right to inspect or search the person, vehicle, back packs or personal effects of the associate. Items collected during a search that may be illegal or dangerous may be submitted to legal authorities.
Post University generally prohibits solicitations in working areas and during an associate’s work time. Work time does not include meal times, break times or other specified periods during the workday when associates
are not engaged in performing their work duties. As such, associates may not solicit contributions or memberships, collect funds or pledges, distribute literature, circulate petitions, or engage in related activities during work time. Further, solicitations or distributions on Post University property by anyone who is not an associate is prohibited at all times.
In recognition of Post University’s civic responsibility, Post permits associates to participate in designated
or approved charitable causes, which may include fundraising. In order to avoid fundraising efforts that
may be perceived by some associates or students as unwelcome, an invasion of privacy, or disruptive, only charitable causes approved by Associate Experience will be permitted. All associates are free to decide whether to participate in charitable causes since such participation is always fully voluntary, personal, and discretionary.
Similarly, in some instances, the collection of money for presents, flowers, parties, donations, or for cases of particular hardship can be considered appropriate for

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