Page 22 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 22


   T                                         STAN
      deceased. But it was underwater      one of the biggest challenges        that space. So I tend to be a very
      for probably a good three or         as a photographer is getting the     calm person in the water.  And I
      four months before I gave up the     model to the point where she is      have the ability to kind of make
      ghost.  It was just a trooper. It    relaxed in front of the camera. And   people feel the same way.  And as
      disintegrated because the glue       that’s on land! How do you do it     a photographer that works with
      between the wood actually kind of    underwater, so she doesn’t look      inexperienced models a lot, that’s
      just disappeared in the water, so it   horribly uncomfortable or, like she’s   the greatest gift, I have is to be
      actually started to fall apart so…   drowning and scared for her life?    able to get them to the same place.
                                                                                I could build these amazing sets,
      JW                                   Brett S                              I could light them, and they could
      I don’t know, I could be wrong, but   So, one of the biggest tips, as a   look incredible. But if the model
      I don’t think it was designed for    photographer, is working with        looks uncomfortable and stiff, it’s all
      underwater.  I’m just guessing.      people who are comfortable           for nothing.
                                           under the water. Milynn is a great
      Brett S                              underwater model. And so are a       JW
      You’re right about that.             lot of the people that I work with,   So, people skills are a huge part
                                           but not the majority of people that   of this. Getting models to be
      Pat P                                I work with. The majority of people   relaxed underwater, if they’re not
      I am amazed at your lighting.        are just regular everyday people,    underwater models, is actually
      Some of your images have curtains    some of them can’t swim, and some    quite an accomplishment.
      with light coming through which      of them even have a fear of water.
      flows through the model’s fabric.    For me as the photographer, I have   Brett S
      The room has a chandelier,           the duty of getting them to that     Thanks. I think if anyone’s watching
      a candelabra and there is a          place where they look the best.      this and they want to be an
      wainscotting on the walls.  This                                          underwater photographer and do
      looks really well thought out. How   And if you look a lot of my images,   this sort of stuff, that’s the sort of
      did you figure out how to put all    the expression that their body is    thing you need. You need to be
      these pieces together?               giving off, the body language. It’s   a person who can communicate
                                           this idea of relaxation. It’s an idea of   well, who doesn’t get stressed
      Brett S                              peace. It’s an idea of the ethereal.    under pressure.  Or if you do get
      To be honest, it’s just trial and    The state that I’m trying to get my   stressed, you don’t outwardly show
      error, I don’t tend to sleep very    model to is akin to the feeling of   it.  Someone who can support the
      well.  So a lot of my awake time     just about to fall asleep.  The idea   people they’re working with. If
      is thinking about stupid stuff like   is that you’re so comfortable, and   they think you’re trying to get them
      this.  So for me, it was just a lot of   you’re so relaxed, and you’re so   out of their comfort zone too far
      like, you know, look on Amazon,      content that you can just relax your   then then that’s when silly things
      see what I can find, see if I can    body, close your eyes, and then      happen.  Silly things can become
      find materials that will last under   let the water do everything else.   dangerous very quickly.
      the water, and just things like that.   In terms of posing, it’s all about
      A part of me loves this MacGyver     being relaxed, not trying to control   Pat P
      kind of situation.  Where I’m like,   everything.  Just letting go of the   Safety has to be a huge concern for
      how do I make this work?  Most of    situation and then everything else   you.
      what I do underwater is driven by a   kind of falls into place.
      need to create something physical                                         Brett S
      or to solve a problem.  So, the      Pat P                                Yeah. I think we gloss over that a
      problem was how do I build a room    I know every time I talk to you and   little bit. Sometimes when we talk
      underwater? And that was the         I listen to you, I immediately feel a   about underwater photography,
      problem that I wanted to solve.      little bit more Zen. So, the fact that I   it’s all about the fantastical side
                                           can see that easily transferring into   of things.  But I’m very much a
      Pat P                                a model in front of the camera, it   proponent of safety.  And we are
      I am also a photographer.  I look at   makes a lot of sense.              so close to doing something very
      this from all the different aspects                                       dangerous.  That if you’re not
      that I would be challenged with,     Brett S                              aware, and you’re not planning
      the lighting, the fluidity of the    Well, to be honest, I think one of   properly, then you can put people
      model, and how you’re getting        my greatest skills, aside from you   in danger and you don’t want to do
      all of the hair not in her face at   know, even more than being a         that.
      that right click of the lens. But    photographer is getting people to
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