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long it can take for an entire
             coral reef to grow. On the Florida
             Reef Tract in the United States,
             it can take more than 100,000
             years for the reef to form. Some
             coral reefs have been growing
             for over 30 million years! This is
             despite animals like parrotfish
             eating the coral, making some
             of the sand that washes up at
             the beach. Other animals that
             eat coral include sea stars, crab,
             and shrimp.
             Coral reefs are just like rain
             forests. Many layers of organisms
             make up the reef, like fish,      The coral reefs are affected by   extremely harmful to coral, and
             invertebrates (animals without    more than  just  this disease.    when people get in the ocean
             a  backbone),  and  algae. They   As the overall temperature        with sunscreen on their skin,
             all live together in a delicate   of the planet changes due to      it can wash off into the water
             balance. These balances are       human impacts, it affects the     where it does not dissolve.
             important  for  the  ocean,  but   temperatures of the ocean.
             people also benefit from healthy   The ocean absorbs the extra      When we visit coral reefs, it is
             and  diverse  coral  reef systems,   heat being trapped in our      important that we don’t touch
             because they can protect people   atmosphere.   Because    corals   the coral as oils from our skin
             from storms, provide a source of   are  very sensitive,  the  rising   can harm the coral, and it can
             food, or simply be a beautiful    temperatures of the ocean         also break pieces of the coral
             place to visit. All of these things   can easily stress the symbiotic   off. Protecting the animals that
 WORLD OCEAN DAY  also support the economy of the   relationship between the coral   live on the reef is important
             townships near the coral reefs.
                                                                                 too. Without the balance of fish
                                               and the zooxanthellae. If the
 SEA OF VOICES  Jenkinson’s  Aquarium  works   stress continues,  zooxanthellae   and  invertebrates on the  reef,
             hard    to    protect   corals,   will leave the coral and cause    things like algae can grow out
                                                                                 of control and smother the reef.
                                               coral bleaching. Without the
             specifically from the Florida Reef   zooxanthellae algae, the coral   Protecting  algae-eating  fish
 Mermaid Brizo visits   Tract (FRT).  In  2014,  scientists   will die over time because the   allows those fish to keep the
             realized  that  a  disease  severely
                                               algae is a source of food for the
 Jenkinson’s Aquarium  impacted the reef-building coral   coral.                 Using less single-use plastic is
                                                                                 algae under control on the reef.
             on the largest tract, and while
                                                                                 another great way to project our
 to learn about Coral Reef  there is still little known about   There are things people can do   whole ocean.
             the disease, many organizations
                                               on land to help the coral reefs!
             still work to save the reef.
             Through  the  Florida  Reef Tract   Rainwater carries pollution to   Of course, the easiest things to
                                                                                 do to protect the coral reefs are
                                               the rivers, creeks, streams, and
             Rescue    program,    aquarists   bays that empty into the ocean.   to educate others about their
             at Jenkinson’s Aquarium are       Reducing the pollution on the     delicate ecosystem and need
 BY: MERMAID BRIZO ©2021 by Mermaid Brizo  caring for various species at   land in fertilizer for lawns, trash,   for preservation, or donate to
 PHOTOS:  SCARLET EMRATH/ZEE BLACKWELL (THEWANTEDDEPTHS)  their facility in Point Pleasant,   pesticides, and vehicle fluids will   your favorite reef conservation
 LOCATION:  JENKINSON’S AQUARIUM   NJ. These corals being kept safe   help keep the waterways clean   organization!
                       POINT PLEASANT BEACH NJ | JENKINSONS.COM/AQUARIUM  in captivity will allow people to   that feed back into the ocean.   If you would like to see the corals
             rebuild the wild reef when the
                                               People can also wear reef-safe
 Fins Magazine invited Mermaid   lives in an anemone with long   they will leave the coral. Without   risk of disease is lower.   sunscreen. Many sunscreens are   from the Florida Reef Tract that
 Brizo to celebrate World Oceans   tentacles. Coral animals look   the zooxanthellae or the coral   Jenkinson’s Aquarium is caring
 Day on June 8th at Jenkinson’s   exactly like the anemone!  animals, the coral structure is   for, you can take a behind-the-
 Aquarium in Point Pleasant,   bright white and hard like a                      scenes tour!
 NJ. In addition, Aquarist Jen   Just like the jellyfish that   seashell.
 Lengares talked about their   the  anemone  and the  coral                      To  learn  more,  visit  Jenkinson’
 work to conserve Coral Reefs in   are  related  to,  coral  use  their   You might be wondering how   Aquarium online at
 Florida.  tentacles to catch very small                               
 pieces of food floating through
 There are over 6,000 different   the water and bring them into                  In addition, you can learn more
 kinds of coral in the world! Coral   their mouths. While they look              about  the  Florida  Reef  Tract
 are small marine animals that   really colorful, did you know                   Rescue program at
 live together like people in an   that corals do not have their       
 apartment building.   own color? Zooxanthellae are
 algae (little plant-like creatures)                                             To learn more about Mermaid
 You might be wondering what a   that live with the coral and give               Brizo, go to:
 coral animal looks like up close.   them their color. Just like house 
 For  example, have  you ever   plants, they need care, and if the
 watched Finding Nemo? Nemo   zooxanthellae get stressed out,

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