Page 15 - Q02-2021_Fins-Magazine
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discarded fishing nets and fishing and seals. When you purchase If you wish to keep up to date with
lines appropriately. Another is any form of fish, verify that it was the little penguins at Penguin
dogs. In New Zealand, there are no sustainably caught and from a Cove, you can also check out
native mammals. reputable source. the National Aquarium of New
Zealand’s Facebook and Instagram
Mammals that are in New Zealand Penguins at the National and vote for the Naughty and Nice
have been brought over within the Aquarium of New Zealand Penguin of the month. This comes
last 200 years. Unfortunately, little The National Aquarium offers a down to a final vote at the end of
penguins have not evolved to have wide range of activities that you each year, where a Naughty and
any defenses against predatory can do to learn more about little Nice penguin gets crowned!
mammals. Due to their size, little penguins and get to know their
penguins have no real way to residents a bit more. People from all over the world
defend themselves against dogs get involved! It’s an amazing and
and it has been known for little If you live in New Zealand, you can unique way to get these little
penguins to be attached while see Penguin Cove and watch them guys noticed globally and educate
on beaches. So if you are walking waddle across the beach and dart people on this penguin species.
a dog where you know little through the water as they go about With descriptions of each penguin
penguins inhabit, it is paramount their day-to-day penguin business. put up online, it will be evident that
that you keep your dog on a lead You can visit at 9:30 am 1:30 pm they have big personalities even
at all times. and 3:30 pm for feeding times and though they are small in size!
listen to the keeper’s educational
Overfishing is also a threat to little talk. The National Aquarium of New
penguins. With the high demand Zealand takes great care of its little
for fish as food worldwide, fishing If you live overseas, you can meet residents and loves to educate the
boats are working overtime to the little penguins face to face with public on the smallest penguin
meet requirements. With the a live virtual penguin encounter! species in the world.
increase in fishing, penguins’ food A special live video chat where
is being depleted, causing them to you can visit the little penguins If you wish to learn more about The
go hungry or travel further out in from anywhere in the world! With National Aquarium of New Zealand
the ocean to find food. up to four guests, you can be and its little penguins, head to
shown around the habitat, see the
This increase comes with its own burrows and chat one on one with
threats as other ocean animals a penguin keeper all from your
prey on little penguins, like sharks computer or phone.
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