Page 137 - RPS Awards 2024 Coverage Book
P. 137

CHAMBER-SCALE            Laurence Osborn – TOMB!
                COMPOSITION              ‘Laurence Osborn ignites traditional musical forms with new fire.
                supported by Boosey &    TOMB! immerses the listener in a sound-world that defies expectation
                Hawkes in memory of      and shows a composer reaching new heights. GBSR Duo and 12
                Tony Fell for an         Ensemble joined forces for stand-out performances in Norwich,
                outstandingly            London and Cheltenham.’
                imaginative and
                engaging chamber-scale   Also nominated:
                work receiving its       Ben Lunn – History needs…
                premiere UK              Nilufar Habibian – Az nahāyate tāriki (From the deep end of
                performance to a live or   darkness)
                digital audience

                CONDUCTOR                François-Xavier Roth
                supported by Schott      ‘François-Xavier Roth is a modern-day musical Midas. With his touch,
                Music for the            music leaps to life. In his adventures with the London Symphony
                outstanding quality and   Orchestra and his own brilliant ensemble Les Siècles, he stylishly unites
                scope of the             modern and historical practice. He lights up the imagination of
                performances to a live or   concertgoers and the many young performers and composers to
                digital audience, and the   whom he generously devotes his time.’
                work in any context, of a
                conductor                Also nominated:
                                         Alice Farnham
                                         Alpesh Chauhan

                ENSEMBLE                 BBC Singers
                supported by Steinberg’s  ‘Behold the astonishing quality, style and imagination that the BBC
                Dorico                   Singers have invested in a bright array of endeavours this year.
                for the outstanding      Nothing could dim their brilliant and innovative associations with
                quality and scope of the   artists like sarod player Soumik Datta and cellist Abel Selaocoe, nor the
                performances to a live or   depth and care of all their educational ventures. Here’s how to do it:
                digital audience, and the   whatever life casts your way, come out singing!’
                work in any context of a   Also nominated:
                group of musicians, no   Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective
                fewer than three         Riot Ensemble

                GAMECHANGER              Sara Lee and the Irene Taylor Trust
                supported by nkoda       ‘The Irene Taylor Trust is a tiny organisation with very small resource
                specially presented by   but the biggest of hearts. It started in 1995 in Sara Lee’s front room
                the RPS Board and        and has bloomed thanks to her signature tenacity and optimism. The
                Council to an initiative,   Trust not only leads creative projects in prisons, it’s having a powerful
                individual or            presence in communities, using music to fortify people who have
                organisation for their   found themselves cast to the fringes of society. The Trust isn’t the only
                inspirational and        organisation doing such work but they have been a trailblazer for
                transformative work,     almost 30 years, challenging themselves to do better and do more,
                breaking new ground in   always eager to partner with and encourage others to join the cause,
                classical music          and being a catalyst for good in the lives of literally thousands.
                                         Politicians and policy-makers, pay heed: here is living proof of music
                                         helping society to heal. Here we see music as a gamechanger in itself.’
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