Page 138 - RPS Awards 2024 Coverage Book
P. 138

IMPACT                   Call of the Mountains – Clare Johnston and Drake Music
                supported by Oxford      Scotland
                University Press Music    ‘Drake Music Scotland and their Associate Composer Ben Lunn are
                for an outstanding       renowned for empowering disabled musicians. Call of the Mountains –
                initiative, individual or   their collaboration with Clare Johnston – crosses new frontiers. Clare
                organisation that        led a groundbreaking creative exchange with Kazakhstan’s Eegeru
                practically engaged and   ensemble: digitally at first, then culminating in a triumphant collective
                set out to have a lasting   performance in Edinburgh. From these pioneers, we could all learn
                impact on the lives of   ways for marginalised artists to take the reins and lead the field.’
                people who may not
                otherwise experience     Also nominated:
                classical music,         Re:Sound – Streetwise Opera
                demonstrating the        Music in Secondary Schools Trust
                positive, empowering     Olympias Music Foundation
                role it can play in society

                INSPIRATION              Derwent Brass
                supported by Presto      ‘Derwent Brass is a beacon of innovative programming in the
                Music                    Midlands’ rich heritage of brass banding. Recently celebrating its 30th
                for a non-professional   anniversary, the band is positively influencing others with its
                ensemble or an           commitments to sustainability and diverse membership. Performing
                individual who works     repertoire from Broadway to The Planets – and recently completing a
                with such groups, in     35-show run of Brassed Off at Derby Theatre – the group consistently
                recognition of the       innovates and entertains.’
                remarkable constellation
                of such music-makers     Also nominated:
                nationwide               Glasgow Madrigirls
                                         Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
                                         The Sunday Boys

                INSTRUMENTALIST          Jasdeep Singh Degun – sitar
                supported by ISM, the    ‘Jasdeep Singh Degun shows us all the beauty and boundless
                Independent Society of   possibilities of the sitar. Rainbows of sound burst from his instrument
                Musicians                in the dazzling collaborations of his debut album and his glorious re-
                for the outstanding      telling of Orpheus with Opera North. He excels on so many remarkable
                quality and scope of the   levels, as a solo performer, team player, composer, director, and role-
                performances to a live or   model.’
                digital audience, and the
                work in any context, of   Also nominated:
                an individual performer   Ayanna Witter-Johnson – cello
                on any instrument        Pavel Kolesnikov – piano

                LARGE-SCALE              Kaija Saariaho – Innocence
                COMPOSITION              ‘Innocence – the final opera by Kaija Saariaho – is a masterpiece by a
                supported by the Boltini  composer at the height of her powers. The iridescent score reveals the
                Trust                    complexity of human emotion in the aftermath of a tragic event. The
                for an outstandingly     multi-lingual libretto by Sofi Oksanen and Aleksi Barrière unfolds in
                imaginative and          sung and spoken lines, with the beautiful, haunting sound of a Finnish
                engaging large-scale     folk singer echoing long after the final notes are heard.’
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