Page 139 - RPS Awards 2024 Coverage Book
P. 139

work receiving its
                premiere UK              Also nominated:
                performance to a live or   Cassandra Miller – I cannot love without trembling
                digital audience         Jasdeep Singh Degun – Orpheus
                                         Noriko Koide – Swaddling Silk and Gossamer Rain

                OPERA AND MUSIC          Chornobyldorf – Huddersfield Contemporary Music
                THEATRE                  Festival
                supported by Wise        ‘Chornobyldorf is a breathtaking portrait of humanity’s need for
                Music Group              spiritual and cultural sustenance in the wake of shattering global
                for an outstanding       events. It was co-composed and directed by Ukraine’s Illia Razumeiko
                production or initiative,   and Roman Grygoriv before the Russian invasion. Bravo to
                presented to a live or   Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival for bringing the whole
                digital audience, or for   Ukrainian cast and company of Opera Aperta to the UK during the
                the overall              conflict, to share their extraordinary creation.’
                accomplishments of a
                company or individual in   Also nominated:
                opera and music theatre   Dialogues des Carmélites – Glyndebourne Opera
                                         Innocence – The Royal Opera
                SERIES AND EVENTS        Manchester Classical
                supported by Warner      ‘We all know music’s power to bring us together. This was
                Classics                 stupendously evident as the classical organisations of this very city
                for a distinctive festival,   united for Manchester Classical. It was a marvellous weekend of the
                themed series of         finest music-making, with affordable passes making the average
                performances, or truly   concert less than £2 to attend. Mancunians came out in force to
                unique performance       discover and take pride in the remarkable musical forces on their
                event, presented in the   doorstep.’
                                         Also nominated:
                                         Aldeburgh Festival
                                         Oratorio of Hope – London Borough of Croydon

                SINGER                   Nicky Spence – tenor
                Supported by Jenny       ‘Who doesn’t want to come back in their next life as Nicky Spence? His
                Hodgson                  phenomenal vocal talent combined with the immense care he brings
                for the outstanding      to everything sets a benchmark for us all. His love for the whole
                quality and scope of the   classical community propels him from the BBC Proms and Welsh
                performances to a live or   National Opera to nurturing young talent at Blackheath Halls and
                digital audience, and the   Scottish Opera. He's also never afraid to let loose, wowing new crowds
                work in any context, of   at Classical Pride and Eurovision.’
                an individual singer
                                         Also nominated:
                                         Alice Zawadzki – vocalist, songwriter
                                         Masabane Cecilia Rangwanasha – soprano

                STORYTELLING             Quartet – Leah Broad
                supported by Martin      ‘In her immensely insightful and entertaining first book Quartet, Leah
                Randall Travel           Broad weaves the stories of four composers the world should know
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