Page 21 - RISE JANUARY 2024
P. 21

People who are themselves and live happy, fulfilling, authentic lives, have

         clear goals and ambitions. They are very clear on their motivations and do

         not overextend themselves to achieve arbitrary (or needless) results. In other

         words, they have a laser focus on the important things.

         Being yourself, all the time is easier said than done. So, don’t beat yourself

         up if you slip up or do something because you’ve been influenced by some-

         one else or you just lost control of the situation. Take some time for yourself

         and focus on the positives.

         Reset and start over. Don’t look back. Just focus on the present and be your-


         Empower and love yourself. Your life will become so much better and beauti-


                                                    Mrs.Saeeda Zarrin Kidwai

                                                     School Social Worker
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