Page 19 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 19
Thursday, November 15 8:00 – 9:00 SESSIONS
9. STEM Isn’t Just “Child’s Play.” 12. How Formative Assessment
K – 12 | Lexington Room A Lessons Changed My
Dorothy Earle & Tracey Campbell Classroom Dynamics and
Boosted Engagement
6 – 12 | Richland Room B
Marina Mosneaguta
Alice Drive Middle, Sumter
FALs are my students' favorite
challenges, which allow them to
S²TEM Centers SC develop a better understanding of
Many teachers are hesitant to implement key mathematical ideas and
STEM lessons because they believe that applications and improve critical
they don’t have time for students to reasoning skills.
“play”. Participants will discuss STEM
learning that takes place on a continuum
ranging from teambuilding to
transdisciplinary learning.
10. Experiential Play: Experience
Math's Relevance
K – 8 | Lexington Room B
Matt Wicker Museum Education Manager
Participants will engage in some mock
play and challenges to get them thinking
about how to use and apply SCCTM Poster Contest
mathematical knowledge. Honorable Mention
11. Worksheet Woes 13. Sometimes Parents Just Don't
K – 5 | Richland Room A Understand!
Jennifer G Berry & Brittini Smith PreK – 2 | Richland Room C
Lexington School District One Kelly Jackson & Kassi Tarlton
Quick and Easy to implement
strategies to foster student engagement Lake Carolina Elementary
and collaboration, such as Quiz-Quiz- Learn how to create parent help
videos using the Seesaw application.
Trade, Hand-Up Stand-Up Pair-Up, We will provide you with training on
HeadBands, Consensograms, and
Effective Exit Slips. creating videos, sending them and
share parent feedback.