Page 23 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 23

                  Thursday, November 15      9:15 – 10:30 Sessions

               25. Let's Grow with Math!
                PreK – 5  | 26. Richland Room C
                       Pam Bradley
                       Kaplan Company                                 Will presentation handouts be
               This interactive session will trace                            provided onsite?
               number sense, algebraic thinking,
               geometry and numerical patterns from               As part of our continuing effort to “go
               Pre-K to grade 5. Classroom and                    green,” all materials will be provided
               assessment strategies will be stressed.            electronically when shared by individual
                                                                  speakers. No paper handouts, printing
               26. Making Every Child a Mathlete                  of materials, USBs or CDs will be
                         6  – 8  | Congaree Room A                available onsite unless provided by an
                          Johanna Jezowski                        individual speaker. We encourage you
                                    &                             to download materials or pre-print
                           Lorraine Jackman                       materials before traveling. All handouts
                           Dent Middle School                     and slideshows that are provided to
               Want to get students off the bench and             SCCTM by a speaker will be available
               into the game? Come create an                      via the Conference website. A link may
               interactive notebook that can be used in           be accessed after the conference.
               your classroom tomorrow!
                                                                      Where is the information desk?
               27. Strategies Used to Promote                     General questions about the conference
               Discourse in Mathematics Classrooms
               6  – 12th | Congaree Room B                        and the council can be answered at the
                            Mrs. Gerry Long                       SCCTM booth in the exhibit hall, at the
                       CPM Educational Program                    Registration Desk, and in the
               Participants will experience study team            conference headquarters/speaker and
               strategies that deal with discourse, work          pages check in room.
               on math problems using these
               strategies, and see Mathematical
               Practices in each strategy.                               Where is lost and found?

                                                                  Lost and found items may be turned
                                                                  over to the volunteers at the registration
                                                                  desk. When registration closes, any
                                                                  found items will then be sent to the
                                                                  conference headquarters room, which
                                                                  serves as the speaker and page check
                                                                  in room.

                                                                  How many professional development
                                                                    credits do I earn for each session?

                                                                  CEU credits are 1 point for each 60
                                                                  minutes. For example, 75 minutes =
                                                                  1.25 CEU credits.

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