Page 25 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 25
9:30 - 10:30 Sessions Thursday November 15
29. Breakout EDU Re-Mix for Math Classes
General | Carolina Room A
Tabatha Brewer & Debbie Leonard
Greenwood School District 50 What are the conference registration
Want to integrate BreakoutEDU games deadlines?
into your math classroom? Experience a
short BreakoutEDU game that has been October 13 is the “early bird” registration
Re-mixed, scavenger hunt style. Get deadline. Payment must be made online, by
ideas for how to create engaging math check, or purchase order and received by
BreakoutEDU puzzles that can be no October 13 in order to be eligible for the “early
tech, blended, or all digital. Come see bird” rate. Attendees may still register and pay
how we set up BreakoutEDU where the regular conference rate online beginning on
small groups collaborate and October 14 through the final day of the
communicate while competing against conference.
each other in order to “Change the
World and Sow a Seed”. May I Register On-Site
Yes, you may register on site. The registration
30. 100kin10 Listening Session process is more efficient if the late registering
General | Carolina Room B attendee(s) already have their account(s) set
Jennifer Wilson up at: (If you are current member,
Aiken High School you already have an account. If you attended
This is an opportunity to share your recently, you are in our contacts as long as
views on STEM education in your your email address is the same.)
school/district with a national
organization. When registering or paying on site, please be
sure that you have created your account before
31. Amusement Park Math getting in line to make the process faster for
K – 12 | Gallery Area you and others in line. You may pay online
(Under the Escalator) from your device at the conference. If turning in
Sandra Ammons a school or district check, you may turn in your
Vanessa Burgos-Kelly payment at the registration desk, receive your
Amber Hedgpeth materials and your receipt will be emailed to
Education Associates for Mathematics you. If you have a purchase order, the same
South Carolina Department of Education process will be used as for a check, but your
Join us for some fun at the amusement district or school will be invoiced for your
park as we explore mathematical attendance after the conference is over.
connections to games, lines, and rides.
We will investigate ways to engage May my guest attend meeting functions and
students at all grade levels in the the evening reception?
Mathematical Process Standards.
No, due to insurance regulations, in order to
attend the conference functions, participants
must be registered for the conference.