Page 29 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
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               Thursday, November 15                                 12:15 – 1:15 Sessions

            49. Embracing the Present to Own your                  53. Next Generation Numbers
            Future                                                            K – 2nd | Senate Room
                       General | Ballroom A/B                                      Katlyn Boyter
                          Felicia Goodwin                                   Reidville Elementary School
                       & Christine Buchanan                                         Haley Snow
                   Summit Parkway Middle School                                Spartanburg District 5
                   Raising student awareness and                          Using technology to enhance math in
                   closing gaps using Statistical analysis                the early childhood classroom. How
                   of standardized test scores by                         to share and create activities and
                   creating websites and electronic data                  ways incorporate them daily.
                                                                   54. "Math the Unsinkable"
            50. Rolling on Fact Fluency Grades 3-5                          6  – 8 |   Carolina Room A
                        3  – 5  | Ballroom C                                      Carrie Simpson
                       Stephanie Bainbridge                                 Robert Anderson Middle School
                   Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks                            Learn how to incorporate projects
                 Rock and roll! Come ready to play dice                   based on The Titanic into your middle
                 games that can be used to teach basic                    level math class!
                 facts, operations, number sense and
                 place value.                                      55. Maker Education 101
                                                                            General | Lexington Room B
            51. Continuing the Conversation Beyond                                 Elena Tudor &
            the First Raised Hand                                          Kaseena Jackson, Principal
                   3  – 12  | Hall of Fame Room                         Langford Road Elementary School
                       Dr. Kristopher Childs
                    Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – HMH
                 Complex knowledge is learned through
                 social interaction. Come experience
                 strategies for facilitating rich
                 mathematical conversations through                       Participants will learn of an
                 focus on sequencing student work to                      elementary school’s partnership with
                 promote discussions.                                     EdVenture to implement a Maker
                                                                          Space. This session will share ideas

              52. Using Algebra Tiles from                                to enhance STEAM-based, hands-on
              Polynomials to Completing the Square                        learning in a way that is sure to make
                      6  – 12  | Lincoln Room                             an impact in your classroom.
                             Tim Scripko                           56. Guided Math in Action
                      College Preparatory Math                             PreK – 5  | Richland Room A
                Participants will learn how to use                                Roberta Newton
                Algebra tiles to make Algebra into a                        Newton Education Solutions
                concrete visual experience for your                       Come learn how to form, teach and
                students.                                                 assess small guided math groups.

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