Page 31 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 31

        Thursday, November 15                                  12:30 – 1:45 Session
                                                               1:45 – 2:45 Sessions

           12:30 – 1:45 PM SESSION                               63. SmART Math
        60. Wake Up Active Learning in the                                    3  – 5  | Lincoln Room
           Mathematics Classroom                                             Melody Oliver Powell
            9  – 12  | Lexington Room A                                           Stone Academy
                       Tracey Campbell                                        of Communication Arts
                           Terrie Dew                           Are your global students struggling with
                       S²TEM Centers SC                         attaining your mathematical standards?
                                                                Introduce ART into your math classroom
                                                                and see a transformation take place.

                                                                 64. Using visual patterns to introduce
           Tired of students who would rather sleep                 Linear Functions
           than learn math?  Participants will learn                      7  – 10  | Congaree Room B
           ten strategies for engaging students in                                Lee Cory
           learning mathematics through dialogue,                          R.C. Edwards Middle School
           movement, and teamwork.                              Participants will use visual patterns to
                                                                represent a linear function in four ways
           1:45 – 2:45 SESSIONS                                 (visually, graphically, in tabular form, and
        61. Making a Gingerbread Village in the                 symbolically). This approach helps students
           Math Class                                           understand the meaning behind the ideas of
                       3  8  | Ballroom C                       constant rate of change and y-intercept, as
                       Tonya McCullough                         well as how to create a linear equation from
                       Clifdale Elementary
                 Spartanburg School District 3                  a table or graph. Appropriate for Algebra I as
           Learn how students built a gingerbread               well as regular 8th grade math and inclusion
           village to learn geometry big ideas: area,           students.
           perimeter, volume, as well as how to
           incorporate social studies and ELA                    65. Breakout of the Routine Reviews in
           standards. This STEAM project is a fun                   Math Class!
           way for students to learn these concepts                  9  – 12   | Gallery Area (Under Escalator)
           and to connect with students from                                 Amber Hedgpeth
           around the globe using Skype, Flipgrid,                          Education Associate
           and Padlet.  Hear about how we met                    South Carolina Department of Education
           with classes as far away as the                      In this session, participants will learn how to
           Netherlands and Lithuania.                          incorporate digital escape games into their
                                                               math courses.  Participants will escape from a
        62. It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay: Errors as           digital breakout room demonstration and learn
           Opportunities in Math 6  – 12  | Hall               tips and tricks for creating a digital breakout
           of Fame Room                                        room for their students.  Participants will see
                         Brad Fountain                         how breakout games address many of the
                      Discovery Education                      Mathematical Process Standards.  Digital
           The teaching was on par, but the                    breakouts can be designed for any grade
           learning . . . well, it fell short. But it’s OK!    level and at varying levels of complexity,
           Use student errors and misconceptions               making this session appropriate for all
           as opportunities for learning.                      audiences.

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