Page 28 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 28
Thursday, November 15 11:00 – 12:00 Workshop
11:00 - 12:00 12:15 – 1:15 Sessions
Exhibit Hall Workshop
Are meals included with my
11:00 – 12:00
Lunch vouchers will be provided and
Exhibit Hall Classroom Workshop
are included as part of your
12:15 – 1:15 registration fee. There will be a
47. Teaching Through Game Play small Wednesday reception. There
is also a reception on Thursday
9 – 12 | Congaree Room B
Trynee Thomas afternoon.
Nnenna Anoruo
Students in secondary
classrooms can learn math Will there be a printed
through movement and game conference program book
play. In this session we will provided?
provide and demonstrate an
abundance of games and As part of our continuing effort to “go
activities used in our classrooms green,” SCCTM will no longer
to get students out of their desks provide printed conference program
by using methods of organized booklets. The conference program
chaos. Participants in this book will be available in an HTML5
interactive session will leave with “flipbook” format which may be
activities and games that can accessed from our website, can be
immediately be implemented in viewed on any internet connected
their own classes. device, and the pages will be turn-
able, as with a book or a magazine.
48. The Power of Virtual The program book may also be
Manipulatives downloaded in a pdf version for
PreK – 8 | Carolina Room B viewing or printing. We encourage
Ryan Dougherty you to download materials or pre-
ETA Hand to Mind print materials before traveling.
Are virtual manipulatives as good
as the real thing? Would you like
to have an unlimited supply of Conference Registration
manipulatives that your kids can
use anywhere? Come learn the Cancellation Procedure?
answers to these and many other Refunds of any registration fees paid
questions about virtual will be based upon the SCCTM
refund policy. Please access that
document here: Refund Policy