Page 33 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 33

Thursday, November 15                                      1:45 – 3:00 Sessions

         67. Juggling the Hippos                                 70. Math Running Records: The GPS of Math
                       PreK – 5  | Senate Room                   Fact Fluency
                        Dr. Felicia Sawyer                                   PreK – 5th | Richland Room A
                        Dr. Darlene Cantey                                       Dr. Nikki Newton
                           Angelia Furnace                               Newton Education Solutions
             Entering into the field of education can be
             rewarding, but yet challenging. Beginning           Math Running Records is an assessment
             teachers must learn state standards; find           system that helps us to unpack the basic fact
             resources; and implement effective math             fluency levels of k-5 learners.
             strategies that meet the needs of a diverse
             population. Attaining interesting and               71. Please Don't Stop the Music!
             effective resources to implement into lesson
             plans, along with maintaining data and                          6  – 12  | Richland Room B
             differentiating instruction, are crucial or key                        Vicki Carter
             elements to the success and academic                            West Florence High School
             progress of students.
                                                                                     Sherri Abel
                                                                            SC Department of Education

         68. Geometry Playground
                      6  – 8  | Carolina Room A
                        Lorraine Jackman
                        Johanna Jezowski                         Using the TI-Innovator ™ Hub and TI-Nspire™
                          Dent Middle School                     or TI-84+ handhelds, participants will code the
             Teachers will explore innovative ways to            music for some well-known songs. Come
             capture middle school students minds with           prepared to rock it out!
             geometric concepts exploring the range
             from low-tech to high tech using TI-Nspire          72. Connecting the Dots - Primary Domino
             CX calculators.                                         Games
                                                                         PreK – 2  | Richland Room C
                                                                                    Lori Triplett
         69. Making Algebra Child’s Play                         Come prepared to play games that use double
                     3  – 8  | Lexington Room B                  6 dominoes that teach: operations, place value,
                         Darlene Williford                       patterns and graphing. Gameboards, student
                    Borenson and Associates, Inc.                samples and ideas for math journals will be
             Learn how a visual and kinesthetic                  shared.
             approach to teaching algebraic concepts
             enables students to grasp "sophisticated"           73. Are We REALLY Having Fun in Math?
             looking concepts of linear algebra. Get a                        6  – 8  | Congaree Room A
             taste of the new Hands-On Equations                      Jill Lee, Shelby Rood, & Amanda McGhee
             Fractions.  Attendees will receive a student                     Blythewood Middle School
             set of Hands-On Equations.                          Are you looking for new ideas to promote

                                                                 student collaboration and make learning fun?
                                                                 This session will show different methods to
                                                                 engage and assess students.

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