Page 38 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 38
Friday, November 16 8:00 – 9:00 Sessions
97. Is Equal Groupings It? Choose 99. MakerSpace and Inclusion: A
Your Own Pathway for Nontraditional Approach
Multiplication Using Tools, General | Lexington Room B
Models, and Strategies Cynthia Johnson
3 – 5 | Carolina Room B Longleaf Middle School
Christine King Pamela Davis
CKingEducation Westwood High School
Repeated addition. Equal
groupings. Distributive property. Two educators with two different
Teaching multiplication should Maker Spaces empower all
not be string of ways to solve students to innovate, create and
problem with leaps from one make, dispelling the myth of who
strategy to the next. This gets to engage in STEM activities,
presentation outlines tools, lessons and units. Come learn
models, and strategies to help
teachers identify and choose about their journey into Maker
appropriate pathways based Education and how they provide
upon where students are, opportunities for all students to go
opposed to where the textbook through the design thinking
is. process in these maker spaces.
98. What is STEAM?
K – 12 | Lexington Room A
Terrie Dew & Dorothy Earle
S²TEM Centers SC
Participants will experience an 100. The Magic of Engagement!
integrated mini-lesson to develop K – 5 | Richland Room A
a shared definition of STEAM Carin Sease & Dana Hutto
teaching and learning. Come Cayce Elementary School
learn strategies for integrating This session will take the
science, technology, engineering standards for our K-5 students
and arts into your mathematics and show how engaging lessons
lessons. that create magic around math
increases achievement.
101. Trouble factoring? Box it!
9 – 12 | Richland Room B
Sherry Young
West Florence High School
Through using the master
product, factoring a trinomial
becomes easy as the box
method takes out the
guesswork. Students have a
built-in method for checking their
work. This method works
extremely well for struggling