Page 42 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 42

        Friday, November 16                                         9:15 – 10:30 Sessions

             113.   Best Practices for Engaging                   116.   The Portrait of a "College-
                21st Century Learners                                Ready Math Student":
                6  – 12   | Richland Room A                          Conversations about Transitions
                          Linda Schmidt                              6  – College | Congaree Room A
                            Amy Moore                                   Meredith Love & Kathy McCoy
                   Spartanburg Community College                          Francis Marion University
                  Come for a fun, interactive session                          Alisa Hobgood
                 designed for educators who want to                      West Florence High School
                  connect with the next wave of 21st              This session will offer an overview of the
                 century students. Attendees will also            research on mathematics readiness and
                  be given some “best practices” to               will engage participants in a discussion
                       promote active learning.                   about how to best develop both the
                                                                  knowledge and the habits of mind
             114.   Making the Most of Meaningful                 needed to be successful in college-level
                Models                                            mathematics.
                        K – 5  | Richland Room B
                          James Burnett                           117.   Little Stuff, Big Effect.
                          ORIGO Education                            Increasing Student Interest
             Versatile models help teachers to                          9  – College | Congaree Room B
             articulate topics across elementary                           George E. Schnibben
             grades. Participants will discover                           Francis Marion University
             practical activities using number lines,             Why is it called a Radian? How are
             dot arrays, and area representations                 airports numbered? Why do we use x
             that can be used to teach major ideas                for the variable? How to grab students’
             involving basic facts, whole numbers,                attention.
             fractions, decimals, and computation
             strategies with deep conceptual                   9:15 – 11:45 Mini-Course
                                                                  118.   Effectively Using Algebra Tiles
                                                                     in Middle Level Mathematics
             115.   Launching Algebraic Thinking                     Classes
                Using One-to-One Technology                                  6  – 8  | Senate Room
                 9  – 12  | Richland Room C                                     Jennifer Wise
                           Paula Adams                                  Albert Einstein Distinguished
                        Clemson University                                   Educator Fellowship
                You'll walk away with algebra                     Participants will take part in an
                activities linked directly to SC                  interactive session highlighting various
                mathematics standards and ready                   uses of algebra tiles that are designed
                for implementation in your                        to develop deep conceptual
                classroom.                                        understanding among students.

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