Page 44 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 44

       Friday, November 16                                        10:45 – 11:45 Sessions

           125. You Used to Solve Me on My                      128.    Survive and Thrive the First
                Mobile                                                  Year
                   6  – 12  | Carolina Room A                              General | Congaree Room B
                Bailey Knapp & Reagan Chase                           Savannah Roberts & Sydney Ford
                  Clemson University Students                               Beck Academy, Greenville
               Join us as we lead students to solve                     We made it through our first year!
                equations while having fun (and                         First year teachers, we want to
                maybe without them realizing it) with                   give you some tips and tricks that
                the technology provided by SolveMe                      we learned. Mentors, we will share
                Mobiles.                                                some insight into what your first-
                                                                        year teachers might be wondering
           126. Relationships between the                               but are not asking.
                Volumes of Cylinders, Cones, and
                     6  – 8    | Carolina Room B
                          Wendy Parker-Powell
                         Blythewood Academy
                Participants will engage in a
                mathematical task that will help their
                students develop the relationships
                between the volumes of cylinders,
                cones, and prisms using only the
                volume of a cylinder.

           127.    One mighty seed: The Practice
                   of Teaching using Student
                   Teams                                         What is the attire for the
                      General | Congaree Room A                  conference?
                    Larry Fetterly & Jerry Marshall
                      Tri-County Technical College               The dress code for the conference is
               This presentation will promote the                casual. Meeting room temperatures will
               values of collaboration and teamwork              vary, so wear layered clothing to ensure
               in the teaching of mathematics.  It will          your personal comfort. We also
               make explicit connections to the                  recommend comfortable shoes.
               Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
               There will be time allocated to a
               participants’ hands-on activity using             Where is lost and found?
               pendulums in teams of 3-5 members                 Lost and found items may be turned over
               that can be replicated with students of           to the volunteers at the registration desk.
               all ages.  In addition, Larry Fetterly will       When registration closes, any found
               share some of his experiences of                  items will then be sent to the conference
               teaching technical math in teams at               headquarters room, which serves as the
               Tri-County Technical College.                     speaker and page check in room.

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