Page 49 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 49
Friday, November 16 1:00 – 2:15 Sessions
1:15 – 2:15 Sessions
1:15 – 2:15
147. Searching the Web for Math How do I receive a subscription to The
9 – 12 | Hall of Fame Room MathMate?
Jennifer Wilson
Aiken High School Active members of SCCTM receive online
subscriptions to The MathMate as part of their
Do you have access to computers, but no memberships.
time? Websites, and tips for using them to
supplement your math instruction, will be What types of articles does The MathMate
shared. publish?
148. How to Reduce Mathematics Anxiety The mission of The MathMate is to feature
General | Lincoln Room articles about innovative mathematical
Marilyn Curtain-Phillips classroom practices, important and timely
Fairfield Central High School educational issues, pedagogical methods,
theoretical findings, significant mathematical
The personal and educational consequences ideas, and hands-on classroom activities and
of mathematics anxiety has great impact. As disseminate this information to students,
an experience classroom teacher, author and educators and administrators. Any content
speaker, I want to share my findings for which fits the mission of the journal is
reducing mathematics anxiety. welcomed.
149. SCReady Release Items and Updates Can I earn recertification credit for
3 – 8 | Gallery Area (Under Escalator) publishing in The MathMate?
Daniel Cammisa Yes. According to the SC Department of
Education Associate, Office of Assessment Education Renewal Credit matrix at
South Carolina Department of Education
Teachers will discuss release items and hear forms/forms/renewal-matrix/,
updates from the South Carolina Department the primary author of a refereed (peer-
of Education Office of Assessment. reviewed) journal article can earn 60 renewal
Is The MathMate peer reviewed?
Yes. The journal uses a double-blind, peer-
review process.
How do I submit an article to The MathMate?
Submissions may be sent to: