Page 45 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 45

       Friday, November 16                                          10:45 – 12:00 Sessions

           129. STEM:  Math is the Connection
                   3rd – 5  |   Lexington Room A
                           DeDee Quinn
                        Margaret Lorimer
                        S²TEM Centers SC

                                                                 What are the benefits of SCCTM

                                                                 Current members receive a greatly
                   Math is the language of the other             reduced conference rate. Only members
                   disciplines in STEM.  As
                   educators we need to ensure we                are eligible for the conference door prize
                   are talking the language of Math              drawings. Members receive news blasts
                   and demonstrating the application             and newsletters via email. Active
                                                                 members of SCCTM receive online
                   of math in other disciplines.  As a           subscriptions to The MathMate as part of
                   math teacher you should be aware
                   of these connections and seek to              their memberships.
                   find these connections to make
                   learning in your classroom                    When do memberships expire?
                   relevant for the students.                    On- year memberships expire at midnight
                                                                 on September 30 of each year.
            130. TI-Rover Robot Teaches
                     Geometry in Middle School!                  How do I obtain a membership card?
                   6  – 8  | Richland Room B
                        Kathleen Traylor                         Your membership card can be viewed
                       Charleston County Schools                 and printed from your account at
                   Angles! Polygons! Action! See       
                   how a TI-84 or Nspire, connected
                   to a Rover robot, lets students
                   discover geometry and other math              Membership Information

            131. Changing the Way that We Teach
                Adding and Subtracting Rational
                Expressions: A Venn Diagram
                   9  – 12    | Richland Room C
                        Jenny Van Buren
                    Anderson School District 1
                          Explore a systematic way
                   to assist students with finding the
                   least common denominator using
                   Venn Diagrams. Ready to use
                   classroom resources will be

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