Page 41 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 41
Friday, November 16 9:15 – 10:30 Sessions
107. Mathcation- Take A Vacation 110. Getting Groovy with Guided
From the Same Old Math Math
Routine! 3 – 5 | Carolina Room B
6 – 8 | Ballroom C Daniele Szynal & Madi Rewis
Stephanie Bainbridge Oakview Elementary
Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks Interested in teaching Guided Math
Help students unlock their but not sure where or how to start?
potential and get rid of math We will walk you through how to
anxiety by using regular cards and manage and schedule math groups.
dice to teach fun, educational and
differentiated math games. 111. Grid Games: Gamification of
the Math Classroom
108. To Proficiency & Beyond, A 3 – 8t | Carolina Room B
Strategic Approach to Addition Christine King
and Subtraction CKingEducation
PreK – 2 | Hall of Fame Room Gamification of the math class shows
Sandy Szako teachers how they can easily (and
ORIGO Education inexpensively) use grid game structures
to support the development of math
Support students’ understanding of skills and concepts across domains,
addition/subtraction fluency while promoting discourse, collaboration
strategies necessary for Number and engagement. If you would like to
Talks beginning with number facts learn how to move beyond the
and broadening to greater numbers worksheet and still help your students
including classroom activities become more proficient, while being
engaged in math, then learn how to
109. Forward Thinking, Teaching gamify your classroom.
and Learning (FTTL)
6 – 12 | Lincoln Room 112. Wake Up! Active Learning in
William R. (Bobby) Cue the Mathematics Classroom
Gloria Allen 6 – 8 | Lexington Room A
USC Aiken Professional Learning and Tracey Campbell
New Horizons Foundation Inc. Terrie Dew
Inquiry-based learning of S²TEM Centers SC
mathematics and science concepts
in a digital-based society, integrating
effective use of technological
pedagogical content knowledge.
Tired of students who would rather
sleep than learn math? Participants
will learn ten strategies for engaging
students in learning mathematics
through dialogue, movement, and