Page 39 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 39

        Friday, November 16                                           8:00 – 9:00 Sessions

             102.   Engagement, Persistence                              9:15 – 10:15 Session
                    and Academic Success
                    Using Technology                              105.   Help me, help you. Getting
                     6  – 12  | Richland Room C                      students to go beyond “IDK”
                       Dr. Massie McAdoo                                   General | Lexington B
                             Agile Mind                                         Chris Higgins
                    Join us as we explore classroom                South Carolina Connections Academy
                    tools and resources that                                      Ryan Higgins
                    empower mathematics educators                      Coker College and SCCTM Board
                    and learners to do the work of                   IDK does not cut it. We will share
                    teaching and learning                            methods for helping students specify
                    mathematics more effectively.                    where they are stuck and
                                                                     communicate more effectively in
             103.   New Teacher Meeting (Years                       mathematics.
                   9  –12  | Congaree Room A
                             Kelsey Leonard
                    D. W. Dhelpaniel High School
                    Join us as we discuss the
                   challenges and joys of the first
                   three years of teaching

                                                                  Will there be a printed conference
             104.   Common Assessments and
                So Much More: Collaboration                       program book provided?
                Among Algebra 2 Teachers                          As part of our continuing effort to “go
                  9  –12  | Congaree Room B                       green,” SCCTM will no longer provide
                 Sarah Day & Jenny Van Buren                      printed conference program booklets.
                     Powdersville High School                     The conference program book will be
                    Algebra 2 teachers within the                 available in an HTML5 “flipbook” format
                    same school will share how they               which may be accessed from our
                    empower each other and                        website, can be viewed on any internet
                    increase student success through              connected device, and the pages will be
                    collaboration focusing on                     turn able, as with a book or a magazine.
                    examining and prioritizing the                The program book may also be
                    mathematics content students                  downloaded in a pdf version for viewing
                    are to learn, building common                 or printing. We encourage you to
                    assessments, sharing teaching                 download materials or pre-print
                    strategies and ideas, and                     materials before traveling.
                    reflecting on practices and

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