Page 30 - SCCTM 2018 Conference Program
P. 30

Thursday, November 15                                 12:15 – 1:15 Sessions

            57. Red Light! Green Light!                            59. Seriously Fun Mathematics with
                     6  – 8  | Richland Room B                     Cards
                             Vicki Carter                                   3  – 5  | Congaree Room A
                     West Florence High School                               Carolyn Hirst-Loucks &
                             Sherri Abel                                           Kim P. Loucks
                    SC Department of Education                          Teaching and Learning Connected
                                                                   Deal yourself in and join us as we explore a
                                                                   number of different mathematical concepts.
                                                                   Play your cards right and you'll be able to
                                                                   keep your students (and YOU!) interested,
                                                                   engaged and learning.
                   Using the TI-Innovator™ Hub and TI-
                   Nspire™ or TI-84+ handhelds,                        SCCTM Anti-Harassment Policy
                   participants will create a stop light           The South Carolina Council of Teachers of
                   and a back-up sensor. Come                      Mathematics (SCCTM) strives to provide a
                   prepared to have fun!                           safe and welcoming conference and meeting
                                                                   environment, free from bias and intimidation
            58. Increasing Engagement through                      for all members and participants. SCCTM has
            Collaboration and Rich-Problem Solving                 a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination
                    9  – 12  | Richland Room C                     and all forms of harassment, including but not
                           Jim deBerjeois                          limited to sexual harassment. No form of
                         Big Ideas Learning                        discriminatory or harassing conduct by or
                   Are you looking for ways to increase            towards any member, staff, speaker,
                   student engagement and                          attendee, vendor, volunteer or other person at
                   collaboration in your math                      SCCTM meetings, conferences, or workshops
                   classroom? Are you frustrated with              will be tolerated. SCCTM is committed to
                   students not participating, while the           enforcing its policy at all levels within the
                   same students are always coming up              council. Anyone who engages in prohibited
                   with the solutions? This session                discrimination or harassment will be subject to
                   focuses on fostering deep                       discipline, including warning the offender, up
                   mathematical thinking in the                    to and including expulsion from current and/or
                   classroom through collaborative                 future conferences, meetings, or workshops
                   problem-solving, discourse, and                 and revocation of membership in the math
                   engagement in the mathematical                  council. No refunds will be granted to any
                                                                   attendee expelled from an SCCTM
                   practices. Leave this session with a            Conference, meeting, or workshop due to
                   bank of tools and strategies to                 violations of this policy. Instances of
                   promote collaboration and                       harassment should be brought to the attention
                   engagement with minimal prep time!              of the SCCTM Executive Director and/or
                                                                   SCCTM President, who will then meet and
                                                                   consult with other executive officers regarding
                                                                   a course of action. If you are being harassed,
                                                                   witness harassment, or have any other
                                                                   concerns, please contact a member of
                                                                   SCCTM Board immediately by visiting the
                                                                   registration desk or the headquarters room at
                                                                   the conference.

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