Page 15 - January 2022 Issue
P. 15
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises
Promoting Innovation and Excellence
tanding conference of Public enterprises With recent novel initiatives of ScoPe, the
(ScoPe), an apex body of Public Sector organization has developed into an Inspiring
Senterprises (PSes), formed in 1973, aims at Innovative and Impactful apex body expanding
promoting excellence in the public sector enterprises its horizon beyond learning and development to
by enhancing their efficiency with the help of effective policy advocacy, research & studies and
conducive policies and strategies enabling them to be brand building to enable PSes to carve a niche for
globally competitive. It is a professional organization themselves in the global map.
representing the central Government Public ScoPe continues to play a constructive role for
enterprises and includes some State enterprises, the PSes by adapting virtual platforms during
Banks and other Institutions as its Members. coVID to continue with its initiatives in learning
ScoPe endeavours to focus towards enabling and development while constantly interfacing with
its member enterprises to improve their overall the Government, policy makers, regulators and
performance and to promote their aspirations authorities and highlighting concerns and issues of
by strengthening their effective and sustained PSes so as to provide a conducive business climate
engagement with respective stakeholders including for their operations. With the country on a recovery
Government and policy makers. path, PSes shall play a critical role in reinstating the
over a period of time, ScoPe has evolved itself into country to a growth trajectory. In this journey of
an effective organization to facilitate and create a PSes, ScoPe shall continue to focus on sustainable,
cohesive environment for PSes. inclusive and green growth.