Page 20 - January 2022 Issue
P. 20


                                         Public Sector  enterprises (PSes) since inception have been  playing  a
                                         pivotal role in realizing the objective of achieving higher growth and
                                         equitable development  of  the country. They  have  supplemented  the
                                         growth of the country with their prowess, performance and resilience
                                         reflected even in the most challenging times and have emerged stronger
                                         and competitive. While they dominate strategic sectors in the domestic
                                         markets, PSes have moved beyond  boundaries by  foraying  into the
                                         global markets thereby augmenting their global competitiveness.
                                         Standing  conference of Public  enterprises (ScoPe), on its part,
                                         has been making concerted efforts to support PSes in achieving their
                                         objective of economic  growth and  social  justice.   As  an apex body
                                         of Public Sector enterprises, ScoPe has evolved itself into a thinking
                                         organisation constantly innovating to serve the best interests of
                                         the PSes. With changing times and business dynamics,  ScoPe
                                         has developed itself into an inspiring and impactful organisation
                                         focussing not only on capacity building but also policy advocacy for
                                         enabling  a conducive and cohesive environment for PSes. Turning
                                         crisis into an opportunity, to serve PSes with even more enthusiasm
                                         and zeal, ScoPe, during the present challenging time, adopted
                                         virtual  platforms for capacity  building.  The apex  body has been
                                         proactive in putting forth concerns  of PSes  to the concerned
                                         authorities and has ensured activeness in interfacing with the PSes
                                         and  relevant authorities. While  continuing to build  capacities,
                                         ScoPe  has  also  been actively launching studies  and  research
                                         projects to obtain an in depth view on issues  most relevant to PSes.
                                         ScoPe has recently  launched studies on Women  empowerment in
                                         Public Sector,  climate  change Mitigation  & Role of PSes and
                                         Strengthening  Leadership in PSes while continuing to explore areas
                                         where analysis and research can bear fruitful results for the system
                                         and process  improvisation  in PSes.  consistent efforts have also
                                         been made  to highlight performance,  contribution of PSes  and  their
                                         relentless service to the nation.

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