Page 164 - January 2022 Issue
P. 164
Antrix Corporation
Rakesh Sasibhushan
ntrix Corporation Limited is a wholly owned
Government of India Company under the admin-
Aistrative control of Department of Space (DOS).
ANTRIX is the commercial arm of Indian Space Research
Several preventive measures have Organisation (ISRO) and, is mandated to promote and
been undertaken at ANTRIX. commercially exploit products and services emanating
from the Indian Space Programme. Antrix is the only PSU
An SOP based on Government in the Space sector.
guidelines have been drawn and
circulated among all employees to Employees Strength
be followed for resuming work after • Permanent (on roll): 21
lockdown period. • Contractual: 34
the Pandemic
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
ANTRIX has contributed an amount of Rs. 5.0 Crores
towards PM CARES Fund during the pandemic
Payment to Contractual Workers
during Lockdown period
Full payment was made to all Contractual Workers
during the Lockdown period.
Antrix Corporation Limited 137