Page 166 - January 2022 Issue
P. 166
instead of lifts as much as possible and while Social distancing measures:
climbing stairs may please avoid touching the
rails. • Employees shall work from their seats as far as
Attendance: possible.
• Discussions and meetings to be limited to a
• Based on the Government directions, bio- minimum. Alternate chairs to be kept vacant
metric attendance recording shall remain to be
discontinued till further directions.
• Employees and other contract manpower shall
continue with the system of punching of ID
cards to record their attendance.
• While recording the attendance, minimum
distance shall be maintained between the
• All employees and other contract man-
power shall avoid public transport and use
own vehicle for commuting to office as much as
• In case of cab services, persons shall avoid pool
services and ensure maximum of two persons in
single cab.
Antrix Corporation Limited 139