Page 292 - January 2022 Issue
P. 292

National Small

            Industries Corporation


                                                                                               Vijayendra, IAS
                                                                                                 CMD, NSIC

                                                           SIC,  established  in  1955,  is  an  ISO  9001-2015  certified
                                                           company  under  Ministry  of  MSME.  NSIC  has  been
                                                  Nworking to promote aid and foster the growth of micro,
                                                  small  and  medium  enterprises  in  the  country.  NSIC  operates
                                                  through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centers in
                                                  the Country. In addition, NSIC has set up Training cum Incubation
                                                  Centers Managed by professional manpower.

                                                  Mission:  “To promote and support Micro, Small & Medium
            The NSIC Teams from all the
                                                  Enterprises (MSMEs) Sector” by providing integrated support services
            branches & technical centres
                                                  encompassing Marketing, Technology, Finance and other services.”
            have been moving out &
            distributing masks, sanitizers        Vision:  “To  be  a  premier  Organization  fostering  the  growth  of
            & gloves to protect the frontline     Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Sector”.
            health care workers accross the       Employees Strength
                                                  •  Permanent (on roll) – 850

            Fighting the                                        of meeting the challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic in

                                                                all possible manner.
            Pandemic                                            The NSIC teams from all the branches & technical

                                                                centres have been moving out & distributing masks,
            Monetary Contribution to PMCARES Fund
            01 Crore                                            sanitizers  &  gloves  to  protect  the  frontline  health
                                                                care workers accross the country.
            Payment to Contractual Workers during
            Lockdown Period –                                   Preventive Measures (for the Organization
                                                                and Employees)
            Full payment during lockdown.
                                                                The National Small Industries Corporation Limited
            NSIC under its CSR initiative has risen to the occasion   (NSIC)  has  implemented  various  preventive

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