Page 294 - January 2022 Issue
P. 294
National Safai
Karamcharis Finance
& Development
Yogita Swaroop
ational Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation
(NSKFDC) is a wholly owned Govt. of India Undertaking under the
NMinistry of Social Justice & Empowerment (M/o SJ&E).
As an Apex Corporation it works for the all-round socio-economic upliftment
of the Safai Karamcharis, Scavengers and their dependants throughout India,
through various loan and non-loan-based schemes.
Apart from operating various loan and non-loan-based schemes for the
upliftment of the target group, NSKFDC is playing a vital role in elimination of
manual scavenging - the worst surviving symbol of untouchability. NSKFDC
NSKFDC posted has been designated as the Nodal Agency for implementation of the Central
relevant banners on Sector Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
website homepage (SRMS) under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
and spread the Employees Strength
advisories via social • Permanent (on roll) - 22
media. • Contractual - 26
Fighting the Social Support to needy by providing food &
Pandemic Provided dry ration to waste pickers in Ghazipur,
Kalyanpuri areas in Delhi.
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
Rs. 40 Lakhs and Employees)
Payment to Contractual Workers during
Lockdown Period NSKFDC frequently sanitizes the office premises,
March : Rs 683090 advised to employees of the Corporation to wear
April : Rs 715980 face mask, wash hands frequently and keep social
May : Rs 736439 distance during office hours along with installation
Total : Rs 2135509 of Aarogya Setu App.
National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation 267