Page 297 - January 2022 Issue
P. 297
Fighting the the people of 6 (Six) villages, which were isolated
completely as a precautionary measures.
Pandemic • Financial support of Rs. 9.39 lakhs to District
Authorities towards logistic improvement of 38
nos. of Quarantine Centres in Golaghat District,
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
Rs. 25 Crore Medical support to address health crisis
Payment to Contractual workers during NRL has resumed Mobile Medical Camps conducted
Lockdown period
in collaboration with VK NRL Hospital from 27
Contract workers engaged by NRL under various April 2020 after relaxation of lockdown restrictions.
Contracts are governed by various rules and Every day, one Mobile Medical Unit is deployed in
regulations. Although their attendance is monitored a nearby village, while the other visits Numaligarh
during normal times, after the Covid-19 outbreak Refinery Marketing Terminal for COVID-19
and subsequent guidelines issued by Government screening of truck drivers and attendants, limiting
of India, NRL has exempted workers from normal daily registrations to 40 patients to avoid crowding.
duty hours to maintain social distancing, operating Any person found with high fever or other COVID-19
with skeletal manpower. symptoms is immediately directed to a Government
Hospital for further testing.
NRL has also been ensuring timely payment of
wages to its workers in line with the existing Innovation, R&D and Technological
provisions. In addition, after the recent advisories
received from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Labour NRL Technocrats have come up with the following
and Employment and from the office of Regional in-house innovations rising up to the occasion in
Labour Commissioner (Central), NRL Management their efforts to combat COVID-19.
has advised and issued directives to all contractors to
consider all workers to be “On duty” even if he or she • Auto Sanitizer Tunnels
had been asked to stay away from office/workplace • Touch Free BASIN 2020
in order to contain spread of the COVID-19. As per • Quick Rub Auto Hand Sanitiser
feedback received, all contractors have complied • Quick Scan UV Disinfectant Chamber
with the timely payment of wages to the workers for • Quick Wash Auto Soap Dispenser
the month of March, April and May, 2020. • Portable Ventilation system
Social support to needy by providing food and Preventive measures ( for Organisation
shelter and Employees)
• Food material distribution amongst contractual • Work from Home policy implemented in all
workers in Numaligarh Refinery Marketing service and administrative functions.
Terminal, daily wage earners in Golaghat • Employees with underlying health conditions
District, Assam and poor households in the and pregnant women employees asked to
vicinity of the Refinery. compulsorily Work from Home
• Tailors supported by NRL CSR employed • Minimum manpower in operational areas.
gainfully to prepare face masks. • Rigorous sanitization of Refinery, Township,
• Financial assistance of Rs.10 Lakh in favour of Marketing Terminal and offices of the Company
DC, Golaghat for supply of food grains among in various locations.
270 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19