Page 300 - January 2022 Issue
P. 300

Projects &

            Development India


                                                                                         Partha Sarthi Sen Sharma, IAS
                                                                                                 CMD, PDIL

                                                     rojects  &  Development  India  Ltd.  (PDIL)  is  a  Mini  Ratna,
                                                     Category-I,  Govt.  of  India  Undertaking  under  Department  of
                                               PFertilizers, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. PDIL is an ISO
                                               9001:2015 Certified premier Consultancy and Engineering Organization
                                               which  has  played  pivotal  role  in  the  growth  of  Indian  Fertilizer
                                               Industry. It has over six decades of experience in providing Design,
            Detailed Standard                  Engineering  and  related  project  execution  services  from  concept  to
            Operating Procedures               commissioning of various Projects.PDIL provides these services in the
                                               fields of fertilizer, oil & gas and refinery, chemicals, infrastructure, off
            (SOPs) followed for
                                               sites and utilities.
            resuming operations after
            the lock down due to the           Employees Strength

            outbreak of COVID-19 was           •  Permanent (on roll) -  364
            adopted.                           •  Contractual  - 259

            Fighting the                                        Preventive Measures (for the Organisation

                                                                and Employees)
            Pandemic                                            •  Preventive measures like provision of infra red
                                                                    thermal scanners, provisioning of hands-free
                                                                    sanitizers,  free distribution of facial masks,   pe-
            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
                                                                    riodic intensive cleaning of workplace and com-
            Rs.  21.23  lakhs  (Rs.  10.00  lakhs  from  CSR  and   mon areas using Sodium Hypochlorite solution
            Rs.11.23  lakhs  from  voluntary  contribution  of  one   were undertaken to contain the spread of Novel
            day salary by employees)                                Corona virus (COVID-19) at all our offices based
                                                                    on advisory received from Government of India.
            Payment to Contractual Workers during
            Lockdown Period
                                                                •  Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
            Rs. 45.00 lakhs                                         followed for resuming operations after the lock

                                                                             Projects & Development India Limited  273
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