Page 304 - January 2022 Issue
P. 304

31637 users) in the month of February 2020 with a   with only 4 team members on ground and rest of
            target of completion by 30  June 2020. But despite   the team working from home.  During the lockdown
            lockdown  restrictions,  RailTel  continued  the  pace   period, video conferencing of Railway officials were
            of implementation and completed the work 55 days    happening throughout the day and even late at
            before  deadline.  Total  17981  users  of  25  divisions   night. To handle the same, one official was deployed
            offices  were  enabled  with  e-office  platform,  along   in  the  NOC  in  the  night  shift  to  make  the  video
            with user trainings over video conferences, during   conferencing service is available 24X7.  Not only that,
            the lockdown period. RailTel has implemented the    to facilitate meetings from home, video conferencing
            NIC  e-office  suite  for  97,934  Railway  officials  of   facilities were installed in the residence of General
            106 establishments of Indian Railways (Zonal HQs,   Managers of Zonal Railways and Production units
            Divisions, CTI, PUs, Workshops etc.) in two phases   of  Railways  for  meeting  with  Hon’ble  Minister  of
            which  has  worked  as  an  enabler  for  Work  from   Railways,  Hon’ble  Minister  of  State  for  Railways
            Home culture. The use of e-office has also doubled   and Chairman Railway Board in a very short notice.
            with  the  number  of  e-files  increasing  from  1.30   The number of video  conference  has increased
            lakhs to 3.10 lakhs and e-receipts increasing from   many fold during the lockdown period. The man
            4.5  lakhs  to  7.75  lakhs  Pre-lockdown  and  during   minutes of VC in the two months prior to lockdown
            lockdown respectively. RailTel also created Virtual   was.3,34,405 and during lockdown it was 86,13,904
            Private Network for 5600 users of Indian Railways   man minutes 25 times increase.
            and upgraded Railnet speed at a number of Railway
            Colonies to further support working from home for   Managing  the  field  work  and  maintaining  a  vast
            Railway Officials.                                  network of 55000+ RKM fibre during countrywide
                                                                lockdown was extremely challenging. RailTel teams
            All  the  Video  Conferencing  service  was  being   worked  24X7  to  handle  any  kind  of  fault  so  that
            supported  by  RailTel’s  HD  Video  Conference     the network remain in its best of health taking all
            Network Operations Centre (NOC) at Secunderabad     precautions.

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