Page 303 - January 2022 Issue
P. 303
Fighting the and visitor became a practice at RailTel offices. RailTel
had already adapted NIC e-office and majority of
Pandemic it’s file work were being done in digital platform,
so when Work from Home became the need of the
hour, RailTel was ready for it and the transition
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
was swift and smooth. All employees were given
RailTel has contributed Rs 12 Crores to the Prime access to RailTel’s Virtual Private Network through
Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency which they can use E-office, ERP, Intranet platforms
Situation fund (PM- CARES fund) from the CSR fund remotely so that regular work is not hampered.
and company contribution of RailTel. In addition,
contribution of Rs 15.5 lakh which is the voluntary Any Other Significant Measures taken by the
contribution of one day’s salary of RailTel employees
to fight this deadly disease has also been made. RailTel handles crucial communication, video
conferencing and implementation of e-office
Payment to Contractual Workers during platform as well storing important data for Indian
Lockdown Period
Railways in its two-Tier III data centres (Gurgaon
All payments to contractual workers were made and Secunderabad). In the current crisis situation,
at regular time. The payment schedules were not ensuring the availability of essential commodities
affected by COVID-19. and associated supply chain was of paramount
importance for which Railway freight operations
Innovation, R&D and Technological needed to be unhindered. The need of the hour was
keeping the network and data centre operations
An android app to enable tele-consultation for stable so that it doesn’t hamper the Railway freight
Railway employees to fix appointment and remotely movement and communication between all the
consult a Railway Doctor over video call has been offices of Indian Railways across the country.
developed and soft launched and consultations
have started for 6 dispensaries of Northern Railway To run the two data centres and 4 Regional Network
and Northern Railway Central Hospital, for General Operation Centres and One Central Network
physician, Out Patient rooms for Medicine, Surgery, Operation Centre, RailTel management deployed
Orthopedic, Gynecology, ENT, Pediatrician, Eye, minimal physical workforce of 2-3 employees for
Emergency, Retired Patient OPD, Medical Director whom rosters was prepared and duties were set on
Room, Skin, Psychiatry, Oncology and Nephrology. rotation basis. Special arrangements for Boarding
and Lodging were made either at RailTel premises
Preventive Measures (for the Organisation or at a nearby residential areas close to RailTel
and Employees)
offices so that the employees do not need to travel
Even before the country went under lockdown, over long distances or use mass transport. Majority
RailTel, following Govt. advisory, prepared roster of of the Network Management work was being
employees to start working with skeletal workforce handled through internal Network monitoring
on ground and rest from home. Cleanliness and platforms and tools of RailTel remotely. RailTel has
hygiene were always a mandate at RailTel offices been implementing e-office for Indian Railways
but with spread of COVID-19, extra measures like for enabling paperless office system and despite
cleaning and disinfecting surfaces a number of nationwide lockdown, RailTel has successfully
times during the day, sanitizers at office premises, completed the phase 2 of implementing NIC e-office.
temperature check at the entrance for all employees RailTel started work of Phase 2 (46 Divisions with
276 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19