Page 307 - January 2022 Issue
P. 307
Medical support to address health crisis respiratory hygiene and hand washing, use of
PPE training to Mathadi and contract labour
Hospital Preventive Measures
including conservancy staff by medical team at
• Providing PPEs sanitising equipments, factory workplace.
emergency medical gadgets, thermal scanners, Innovation, R&D and Technological
consumables (masks, sanitizers) for Hospital breakthrough
Staff: All RCF hospital staff have been
provided appropriate PPE for use in OPD, Measures taken by R&D
Clinics, Indoor, OT and while transferring • In-house preparation of IPA based sanitizer:
patients. Expenditure incurred on above IPA based sanitizer has been prepared for in-
procurement is Rs 32 lacs. house use.
• A separate Flu clinic, isolated from main • Mask: Around 1000 masks were made through
hospital with separate entrance was set up local tailor during complete lockdown and
with dedicated staff. There is a patient COVID distributed to employees through E.D. (Tr.)
screening form, a facility for sample collection, office.
patient check-up room where all infection • Sanitizer and soap dispensing foot operated
control measures are enforced. machines: foot operated sanitizer and liquid soap
• 24x7 Phone consultations and guidance by RCF dispensing machine were procured and installed
doctors to minimise exposure of patients to at the entrance of R&D- Bio Agro premises for
infection is encouraged and regular medicines washing hands and sanitizing them.
are prescribed through HMS system over • Face shields: Face shield were purchased and
phone. distributed to the contract employees for safety
• Social distancing measures in pharmacy waiting purpose.
area, in hospital, mandatory hand washing, • Pep talk: Apart from providing resources, pep
thermal scanning, self-assessment form before talk is being given every day to all contract
entering hospital, use of sanitizers are some of employees’ w.r.t. health, hygiene and social
the infection prevention measures. distancing.
• Rational use and reuse of PPE, N95 masks is • Thermal screening: Thermal screening of all
followed as per standard AIIMS Guidelines. contract employees (working for R&D) is being
• Health awareness and COVID - 19 prevention carried out at Gate no 2.
information is displayed throughout the Preventive Measures (for the Organization
hospital, Occupation health centre, residential and Employees)
colony, factory premises, offices. Updated
Guidelines, informative videos sent thru email, Measures taken by HRD
circulars and hospital website regularly. a. Sessions on Workplace, Hygiene Practices and
• Daily sanitisation of hospital consulting rooms, Medical Guidelines Implementation.
labs, radiology unit, flu clinic ambulance.
• Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis to all health On receiving advisory and guidelines from the
care personnel and high-risk contacts of COVID Govt. for sensitising workers and making awareness
– 19 positive index cases. of good hygiene practices including importance
• Quarantining of high-risk contacts of COVID of social distancing, compulsory wearing of
positive cases and daily supervision of these mask, frequent washing of hands with soap and
individuals. sanitizers, HRD official have conducted regular
• Regular screening and health check-up and sessions almost throughout the week covering all
280 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19