Page 310 - January 2022 Issue
P. 310

RITES Limited

                                                                                               Rajeev Mehrotra
                                                                                                CMD, RITES

                                               ITES  Limited,  a  Miniratna    (Category-I)  and  Schedule  ‘A’  Central
                                               Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, incorporated
                                        Ron April 26, 1974, is a multidisciplinary engineering and consultancy
                                         organization,  providing  a  comprehensive  range  of  services  from  concept
                                         to  commissioning in all facets of transport infrastructure and related

                                         RITES  is  a  leading  player  in  the  transport  consultancy  and  engineering
                                         sector in India and uniquely placed in terms of diversification of services and
                                         geographical reach in various sectors such as railways, highways, airports,
                                         ports, ropeways, urban transport, inland waterways, and renewable energy.
                                         The company is the only export arm of Indian Railways for providing rolling
                                         stock,  other  than  Thailand,  Malaysia,  and  Indonesia.  RITES’  success  story
                                         spans over 46 years covering more than 55 countries across Asia, Africa, Latin
                                         America, South America and Middle East region.
            RITES is running a           RITES continues to follow a path of systematic and professional operations,
            COVID-19 awareness           maintaining its position as a premier transport consultancy organisation in
            programme at its             India and abroad. Its performance in the railways and transport infrastructure
            corporate office,            sectors has been appreciated both domestically and internationally. RITES has
            demonstrating its            consistently displayed excellent financial performance over the years and has
                                         duly built a strong base. It became a listed company in July 2018. Within one
            commitment to
                                         year of listing, the company has made it to the top-500 companies with the
            employees’ safety.
                                         market capitalization of approx Rs 6,152 Crore as on March 31, 2020.
            Frontline staff and
            housekeeping &               Employees Strength
            maintenance personnel        n   RITES is having a fast-growing team of over 3,200 employees:
                                         n   Total: 3236
            are provided PPE kits
                                         n  Regular: 1970
            and sensitised about
                                         n   Contractual: 785
            precautions to be taken      n  Experts : 240
            while at work and            n   Deputation: 161

            elsewhere.                   n  Consultants: 80

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