Page 312 - January 2022 Issue
P. 312

•  RITES  has  provided  monetary  support  to  a   in these testing times. Regular meetings through video
               Gurugram-based  NGO  to  provide  raw  food      and conference calls have helped maintain business
               material and medical beds to help 500 elderly    continuity and productivity while maintaining
               persons and divyangs during the pandemic.        constant  touch  with  employees.  At  RITES,  we  are
            •  RITES  has  also  provided  financial  support  to   also managing the lockdown-induced disruption to
               ‘SOS  Children’s  Village  of  India’  to  keep  the   employee/citizen mobility responsibly.
               vulnerable children safe and healthy  during
               these  difficult  times.  The  funds  are  utilised  to   Focussing  on  Digital  India  and  considering
               ensure the uninterrupted supply of essentials    lockdown as an opportunity to hone its employees’
               and hygiene kits.                                skills  and  enhance  their  productivity,  RITES  has
            Medical support to address health crisis            been  conducting  online training  and webinars on
                                                                various technical and work-related topics.
            •  As  a  part  of  its  social  responsibility,  RITES
               has provided  two ambulances equipped with       Besides,  RITES  strives  to    procure    and  absorb  the
               advanced  life support system, one  each,  to    best and latest technological innovations in areas of
               Gurugram  and  Nuh  districts.  These  are  being   its business by regularly updating its software and
               pressed into service to fight against coronavirus.  knowledge base to compete with the domestic and
            •  RITES through its CSR initiative, Jan Arogyam    international competitors and to improve the quality
               Community  Healthcare  Programme,  has  been     of service to the clients. Also, it has tied up the IIT-
               assisting  District  Health  Department,  Nuh,   Madras  Incubation  Centre  for  the  development  of
               an  aspirational  district,  in  its  fight  against   Hydrogen Fuel Cells. An amount of Rs 1 crore has
               Coronavirus. From door-to-door surveillance to   already  been  released  and the research  project  has
               running other medical facilities in various blocks   taken off smoothly. RITES has also been carrying out
               of Nuh district, the Jan Arogyam team has been   studies on emission standards and emission reduction
               at the forefront in these difficult times.       technologies to help curb environmental pollution.
            •  RITES  has  provided  N-95  masks  worth  Rs  10
               lakh to the Gurugram District Administration to   Preventive Measures (for Organisation
                                                                and Employees)
               help equip medical teams and frontline workers
               further to tackle COVID-19 challenge.            1. Suspension of biometric attendance
            Innovation, R&D and Technological

            Considering  the  need  of  the  hour  and  adhering  to
            lockdown,  the  company  has  followed  Work-from-
            Home policy for its employees. Except for those who
            are associated with essential/emergency services,
            all employees have been asked to Work from Home
            during  the  period  (as per government guidelines
            issued). They have been provided all necessary      RITES  exempted  its  employees  from  marking
            logistics support (computer and other IT tools      attendance through a contact-based biometric system
            and  hardware)  to  easily  work  from  home.  RITES’   (effective  from March 11) as a preventive measure
            investment in digitisation and IT-enabled services   to check the spread  of  the coronavirus.  Instead,
            such  as  SAP,  e-office  and  other  e-modules  proved   they started marking their attendance manually
            handy in switching its operations to remote working   in the attendance register until the lockdown  was

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