Page 317 - January 2022 Issue
P. 317

Medical support to address health crisis            Awareness Campaigns
                                                                •  SJVN  has  a  dedicated  fleet  of  13  Mobile
                                         Other than
             Particulars    Hospitals               Total           Medical Units under the umbrella of project
             PPE KITS       716          993        1709            Satluj Sanjeevani Sewa run by HelpAge India
             Masks          121034       62236      183270          to  deliver  doorstep  medical  services  in  HP,
             Gloves         14262        1198       15460           Uttarakhand and Bihar. During this demanding
             Sanitizer      1161         1840.75    3001.75         situation of panic and chaos among community
             (Liters)                                               due  to  the  spread  of  novel  disease  COVID-19,
             Disinfectant   13220.5                 13220.5         the MMUs emerged as life line in disseminating
             (liters)                                               information   about    adopting    preventive

            Above figures are till of 16.07.2020.                   measures and improving personal hygiene  in
                                                                    far flung areas where providing basic facilities
            •  50 Nos. Isolation Beds provided.                     has become challenge during lockdown.
            •  SJVN  extended  medical  infrastructural  aid  to   •  Display  of  banners  related  to  COVID  –  19
                district hospitals in its project areas to better   awareness, Do’s and Don’ts at office premises.
                equip and strengthen medical  staff in offering   •  Regular  announcement  in  offices  through
                tireless services to people through  protective     Central Announcement system.
                equipment as under:                             Any other significant Measures taken by the
                - 6 Ventilators to Indira Gandhi Medical College,   Company
                  Shimla, H.P.                                  •  Contribution of Rs. 50.00 Lakh to Uttarakhand
                -  2  Ventilators  to  Mahatma  Gandhi  Medical     State Disaster Management Authority.
                  Services Complex Rampur, H.P.                 •  Under  CSR  initiative  of  SJVN  an  employment
                                                                    and skill development opportunity was created
            Preventive Measures (for Organization                   for Mahila Mandal Jhakri, Panchyat, and Distt.
            and Employees)
                                                                    Shimla where reuseable doubled layred masks
            •  Sanitization of office building twice a day.         are being made for use by common public.
            •  Staggering of office hours and canteen timings
                to avoid crowding.                              As  a  socially  responsible  Corporate,  SJVN  is
            •  Automatic  hand  sanitizer  /  dispensers  have   extending full support towards implementation of
                been installed at appropriate places.           various measures to deal with the pandemic. SJVN
            •  Distribution of face masks and hand sanitizers.  foundation has contributed a sum of Rs. 28.98 Crore
            •  Ensuring  availability  of  Soaps  &  Napkins  in   to aid in against the pandemic battle which includes
                washrooms.                                      Rs. 25.32 Crore to PM CARE Fund and Rs. 3.66 Crore
            •  Markings on floors to maintain social distancing.  to various health  institutions  for procurement of
            •  Thermal scanning of employees in the morning     various medical equipment’s and other consumable
                while entering to the office on regular basis.  medical items etc.

            290   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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