Page 320 - January 2022 Issue
P. 320

•  THDC  Dispensary,  Rishikesh  (Uttarakhand)  -
               Established 2 Beds Quarantine center.
            •  THDC Dispensary, Koteshwar (Uttarakhand) –
               Established 6 Beds Quarantine center.
            •  THDC  Dispensary,  Pipalkoti  (Uttarakhand)  –   •  Implementation  of  Work  from  Home  w.e.f.
               Regular OPD.                                         23.03.2020  for  THDC  employees  posted  at
            •  Distribution  of  Masks,  Gloves,  Sanitizers  to    Corporate Office / Regional Offices etc. (using
               locals, contractors, workers and state authorities   digital platform).
               and so far,  1646 Ltrs Sanitizers, 5000 Soaps,   •  To maintain uninterrupted supply of electricity
               58149 Masks and  4065 Gloves have been               to  the  grid  during  lockdown,  both  Tehri  HPP
               distributed at all locations and is still continuing.   (1000  MW)  and  Koteshwar  HEP  (400  MW)
            •  100  Nos.  of  Digital  Infrared  Thermal  Scanner   were kept operational complying all safety
               and  50  Nos.  Oxygen  Cylinders  were  provided     precautions prescribed by various Govt. orders
               to  Chief  Medical  Officer,  Tehri  Garhwal,        with minimum required manpower.
               Uttarakhand.                                     •  All the official meetings with internal and external

            Innovation, R&D and Technological                       stakeholders during lockdown were conducted
            breakthrough                                            through digital platform via Microsoft Teams.
                                                                •  Paperless  working  has  been  implemented
            •  On  5  April-2020  during 9 minutes blackout         in  THDCIL  and  all  the  internal  official
               declared  by  Hon’ble  PM  to  show  solidarity      correspondences are being made through digital
               in  fight  against  COVID-19  Pandemic,  both        platform ‘e-office’.
               Operational Hydro Plants of TDHCIL i.e. 1000     Preventive measures (for the Organisation
               MW  Tehri  HPP  and  400  MW  Koteshwar  HEP     and Employees)
               were operated as per requirement of Grid and
               POSOCO. This played a big role in grid stability   •  In operational plants, plant area, all vehicles,
               and was highly appreciated by MoP.                   machines, tools & tackles are being regularly

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