Page 323 - January 2022 Issue
P. 323
• Local production of Alcohol based hand against COVID-19:
sanitizer commenced at Dispensary Rishikesh - Awareness of Novel Corona Virus.
as per WHO approved Hand rub formula. - Thermal Scanning & Medical Check-up.
• Sanitization & bleach spray at different locations - Sanitization of vehicle, machines, tools & plants.
and medical checkup for labors and other - Cleaning & Sanitization work places.
beneficiaries nearby. • Since 30.03.2020, one executive and doctor/
• Timely payments to Laborers/ daily wagers and Medical staff is visiting the nearby labor
Contract workers are also being ensured. colony/ camp at all Projects / Units teams to
• All construction works at THDCIL projects in ensure that all needy get food and medical help
Uttarakhand (Tehri PSP 1000MW & VPHEP and is continuing. A daily roaster is also being
444MW) and in UP (Khurja STPP 1320MW) maintained for this activity.
has started from 20.04.2020 in compliance to • Grocery items worth Rs. 3.5 Lakhs have
MHA order dt 15.04.2020 taking the following also been given to Annpurna Fund of Distt.
prescribed safety measures and precautions Administration of Bulandshar and Singrauli.
296 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19