Page 324 - January 2022 Issue
P. 324
WAPCOS Limited
R.K. Gupta
APCOS Limited is a “MINI RATNA-I” Public Sector
Enterprise under the aegis of the Ministry of Jal Shakti.
WIncorporated on June 26th, 1969 under the Companies
Act, 1956. WAPCOS is a technology driven Consultancy and
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) organization with
strong home country and global presence in the field of Water, Power
and Infrastructure sectors. WAPCOS has the requisite experience
& expertise to undertake Consultancy & EPC projects of any scale
and complexity in the sectors of its operations. WAPCOS portfolio
of projects is both impressive and diverse in nature. Apart from
India, WAPCOS has successfully completed/on-going consultancy
assignments in about 51 countries covering Angola, Afghanistan,
Austria, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon,
Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, DR Congo, Eswatini,
Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Indonesia, Jordan,
WAPCOS as vigilant and Kenya, Lao PDR, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives,
responsible organization Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Papua
quickly adapted to the New Guinea, Poland, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka,
changing environment Suriname, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, USA,
due to unprecedented Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
COVID-19 pandemic and Employees Strength
introduced significant
• Regular: 989
procedural and functional
• Deputation: 4
interventions, while • Trainees: 32
ensuring all precautions • Contract - Pay Scale: 268
and safety measures. • Contractual: 1243
WAPCOS Limited 297