Page 322 - January 2022 Issue
P. 322

view social distancing norms including thermal       for local population. Around 13000 pamphlets
               screening and medical tests.                         have been distributed to outreach nearly 70,000
            •  All social distancing norms have been imposed        families through campaign vehicles.
               at all THDCIL Locations.
            •  All stations / projects / offices have been advised   Other significant measures taken by the
               to continuously communicate with stakeholders    company
               to update them on the developments, relevant     •  Ambulance of THDCIL Dispensary at Rishikesh
               Govt./ CC guidelines, Do’s & Don’ts and outline      was  provided  to  District  Administration  for
               the steps the company/unit is taking to address      COVID-19 duties.
               the situation.
            •  Necessary    training   programs   conducted
               for  medical  staff  to  deal  with  COVID-19
            •  Regular    updates   through   social   media
               (WhatsApp/ SMS) were provided to Employees
               regarding guidelines  for  preventive measures
               and the queries were also answered.
            •  Regular  distribution  of  Masks  and  Hand
               Sanitizers among employees.

            Awareness Campaigns

            •  THDCIL Organizing extensive awareness drives
               through  hoardings, banners, loudspeakers etc.

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