Page 319 - January 2022 Issue
P. 319

Fighting the


            Monetary contribution

            •  THDCIL  has  contributed  Rs. 10 Cr  to  PM
               CARES Fund. This includes one day salary of
               the employees.
            •  THDCIL  has  also  contributed  Rs. 2 Cr  to
               Uttarakhand  State Govt.  (Rs.  54.63  Lakhs  as
               1-day Salary of employees to CM Relief Fund,     Medical support to address health crisis
               Uttarakhand and Rs 145.37 Lakhs to Uttarakhand   Corporate Office and sites are in regular touch with
               State Disaster Management Authority).            Distt.  Authorities  for  any  support  required  and
            •  THDCIL  also  deposited  Rs. 5.00 Lakh in CM     based on the requests received so far, the following
               Relief Fund of Madhya Pradesh.                   are being arranged:
            •  THDCIL released the funds to the tune of Rs. 25
               Lakhs to DM, Tehri Garhwal and Rs. 8 Lakh to     Financial Support
               CMO, Tehri Garhwal for purchase of medical       •  Approx.  Rs.  37  Lakhs  spent/  committed  to
               equipment.                                           concerned Administration/ other Authorities/
            Payment to contractual workers during                   Institutions for Equipment, PPEs, food etc.
            lockdown period                                     Hospitals/ Dispensary

            •  Payment  of  approx.  Rs 2.82 Cr  to  Contractual   •  THDC  Hospital,  Tehri  (Uttarakhand)  -  An
               Workers during Lockdown Period.                      isolation ward with 10 beds was created.

            Social support to needy by providing food &

            •  Meal  Packets  and  essential  food  items/  ration
               packets are being distributed to needy and poor
               individuals/ migrants in the society and so far,
               6542 Meal Packets and 95344 Kgs ration packets
               have been distributed at various locations and is
               still continuing.

            292   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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