Page 308 - January 2022 Issue
P. 308
workforce working in the area of bagging, canteens, them to get more information and motivation during
guest houses all conservancy workers which have lockdown period.
benefited a lot to workers to follow good hygiene
practices. We have especially covered tanker driver d. Online course “Search Inside Yourself” during
waiting in the parking lot of RCF premises. lockdown
Mindfulness has now become popular in Corporate
Suphala & Urea Bagging Plant World, when Google developed a course “Search
• Factory canteen inside Yourself”. Soon, from a way to relieve stress
• Priyadarshini canteen it became a productive tool and now it is part of
• ARK Guest House and Employee Engagement Program.
• JET Guest House
“Search Inside yourself”, program teaches Practical
b. Webinars for the Employees to boost up the Mindful Leadership and Emotional Intelligence to
working bring the Best within you. This program is developed
RCF in its continued effort to fight COVID-19, by the leading expert in neuroscience, business and
Conducted 7 Webinars for employees and their psychology.
Family Members, to maintain good physical and
mental stability during this period. This course is free and available on Internet portal.
Any Other Significant Measures taken by the
c. Online learning modules on soft skills via Videos Company
on RCF Intranet portal
Since Govt. advisory on social distancing is to be Measures taken by Marketing
followed and large gathering to be discouraged, HRD
Department came forward to have more e-learning In view of COVID-19 proper measures like social
programmes. Accordingly, most popular tool of distancing, hand sanitization of Labours, sanitization
video learning on various skills topics were searched of wagons & trucks, providing masks to labours
and uploaded on HRD intranet homepage. Fourteen etc are being followed by RCF during handling &
new Videos on Learning of Soft Skills was uploaded transportation of fertilizers at various rake points
on RCF intranet portal. all over India. We have circulated coronavirus
preventive measure advisories amongst dealers,
In addition, our HRD techno expert team retailers & H&T contractors through mail and
simultaneously developed the computer software WhatsApp groups.
modules on HRD Intranet homepage. The employees
have appreciated the initiative of HRD which helped RCF is having wide network of marketing throughout
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited 281