Page 301 - January 2022 Issue
P. 301

down  due  to  the  outbreak  of  COVID-19  was      three thousand only) which is equivalent to one
               adopted.                                             day’s salary in the PM CARES Fund.
                                                                •  Training:  Web  based  training  courses  were
            Awareness Campaigns
                                                                    selected  from the site:  [National
            Awareness  campaigns  through  posters  and  e-mails    Program  on  Technology  Enhanced  Learning
            advocating precautionary measures like usage of face    (NPTEL),  an  initiative  funded  by  Ministry  of
            mask, frequent washing of hands and observance of       HRD,  Govt.  of  India]  and  forty  participants
            social distancing were advocated amongst employees.     were nominated for undertaking  the modules.
                                                                    Some departments like Mechanical Engineering
            Any Other Significant Measures taken by the             used the opportunity to train their staff through
                                                                    electronic means.
            •  The employees of PDIL voluntarily contributed    •  Internship of students  already planned was
               Rs.  11,23,000/-  (Rupees  Eleven  lakhs  twenty-    ensured through on-line mode.

            274   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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