Page 100 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 100
my mom had a
quilt like that
African-American Improvisational Fabrics through 1950s. eBay purchase from vendor East Texas Antiques.
Selected by a picker who sold it to Red Feather Lodge. 72”X86” Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Cotton. Backing:
Muslin. Edge: Open, unfinished. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By machine in straight lines far apart (6”).
Condition: Like new, likely never washed or used. Comment: The vendor could not verify that the quilt is
African-American, but it has the hallmarks: irregular piecing and placing of otherwise common patterns
such as crazy pieces sewn in 4-patch, use of crosses, bold colors, machine piecing and quilting.
Figure 74: African-American Improvisa-