Page 96 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 96
my mom had a
quilt like that
Sunflowers 1930s, guessing by debris in the batting. Purchased at an antique mall in Issaquah, WA in 1992
from a vendor who buys especially in the midwest. 88"x91" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Low loft cotton. Back-
ing: White cotton. Edge: Red calico cotton. Piecing: By hand. Quilting: By hand, diamonds in the center of
stars, diagonals ½-¾" apart, in white fields, outside of white triangles and round motif, and wide cables
around the edges, finely done at 9 stitches per inch. Condition: Very good. There is very minor popping in
some of the red centers. Comment: Really gorgeous for its extensive and fine quilting.
Figure 71: Sunflowers