Page 91 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 91
circles 89
Mennonite Wheel with Flowers and Star Center 1970. Purchased from a Monroe, WA antique show in 1994.
Made by a Mennonite teenager in Missouri. 72"x72" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Medium thick cotton. Backing:
White cotton. Edge: The back is brought ¾" to the front and caught by hand. Quilting: By hand, 5 stitches
to the inch, in lines around each motif. The arcs outside the white circles meet at two parallel lines vertical
and two horizontal, half an inch apart from one another, where blocks join in the green fields. Condition:
Very good. There is light soiling of the edge that shows on the back. Comment: Amazingly, motifs appear
pieced, not appliquéd. Clear colors and difficult design looks Mennonite.
Figure 66: Mennonite Wheel with
Flowers and Star Center