Page 86 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 86
my mom had a
quilt like that
Double Wedding Ring Fabrics are 1930s green. Purchased from a Bellevue, WA mall in 1988. 67"x83" Fabric:
Cotton, some crepe, some shiny synthetic such as Rayon. Batting: Low loft cotton. Backing: White cotton.
Edge: Machine-made lavender. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By had 1⁄8" inside the seam line of each
segment; horizontally across the areas inside centers of rings with a circular rosette in the center of each
white area inside circles, about 4 stitches per inch, slightly crooked. Condition: Very good. The yellows and
the blues have bled onto the back. Definitely a scrap quilt and not a kit, judging from the variety of fabrics
included. Comment: Good solid quilt of nice but undistinguished design.
Figure 61: Double Wedding Ring